Friday, October 18, 2013

The Beginning

I am not the best writer, neither the best speaker, however, I always thought of sharing my testimony with others, but I thought it would have been my personal testimony as a cancer survivor. I never thought that I would be sharing with others the part of my life that I will share today. When you think you have an “almost” perfect family with no major problems and children who had been raised with moral values, you would never think that you will go through a situation like the one I am currently experiencing. It looks so far from you, like something that you will never be touched by. I will compare it with cancer. You know about people around you that are cancer patients and you get sad about it, but you never think that this condition is going to affect you or anyone in your family. I am a living testimony of this. I am a cancer survivor. So, I would say that we have the same reaction to homosexuals. Why, you might ask? Because we look at homosexuals, labeling them, judging them, while, at the same time, thinking that our children can never be one of “them.” The day that you discover that your children have problems with their sexual identity, you feel like your world has broken in pieces. We never will be really prepared for such a discovery. My purpose is not to debate whether or not homosexuality is a sin, or an abomination, or a sickness that can be cured. Neither it is to speculate what happened with chromosomes X and Y, nor even to argue about the possibilities that your child will change because he or she was influenced by friends. My genuine purpose of sharing my story with you is straightforward, simple, and heartfelt: no matter the circumstances, love your child unconditionally.


  1. Deborah, Thank you for the courage to show your love, while too much fear reigns in the hearts of good believers. I am the Mom of a gay son, and love just isn't hard. hearing from church goers is the hardest of all. If you ever want to be among Mom's just like you, message Susan Cottrell and she will show you the way.
    A Mom who knows your heart!

    1. Thanks for your words Debby. It is encouraging to find the support of parents who have had the same experience.

  2. Deborah, I could've written your words. As a cancer survivor, I, too, thought that my time battling that disease would be my trial by fire. Little did I realize my real trial would be navigating life as the Christian mom of a gay son. Like my friend Debby wrote, Susan Cottrell is a wonderful contact. You can find her at I am looking forward to getting to know you. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us.

  3. Deborah, I too have the experience of being a mother to a gay child. Christians can make this more difficult than it already is, but luckily there are many more Christians who show the real love of God, regardless of their stand on this issue. God's greatest command is to love Him and our neighbour (which means everyone!) unconditionally, so I know you are doing the right thing by doing that with your own children. Thank you for your bravery in sharing this with us.

  4. Tyou so much for sharing Tana--I am the mother of a an amazing 27 yr old gay son. We grew up practically living at the church--teaching, my husband was a Deacon and our children were involved in everything! Our son kept his secret for many yrs because of his love and respect for us. I was heartbroken when I heard some of the things he has endured--ugh!! When he first told us, I thought it was the end of the world, but through education--reading books like Torn by Justin Lee, and a very special group of mother's who love their LGBT children unconditionally, life is just so much better. I have learned so much about LOVE--Tyou for shairng!!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your story. We are all on this Awesome journey. I am so thankful for being a part of a group of loving and supportive women, who are my Sisters in Christ <3 I look forward to following you on your blog and hope you will contact Susan. I too read the book Torn that Carol recommended. Stay strong. Together we will keep the Love alive! Peace :)
